Saturday, June 30, 2012

Business Culinary or Restaurant

Culinary or restaurant business is one of the industry was the oldest in Indonesia, so it is not wrong if development efforts are increasing from year to year.

Culinary or restaurant business in Indonesia at present is still concentrated in Java and Bali, and even the region has contributed more than 73.6 percent of the total number of restaurants and restaurant in Indonesia. Jakarta as the capital city and business center in Indonesia is the center of the restaurant business growth and the largest restaurant, which has contributed 26.1 percent of the number of restaurants and eating houses in Indonesia.

At this time many of the entrepreneurs and investors looking for a business that can quickly return the capital. Culinary business is one business that much in demand because there is always a profit opportunity.

Culinary businesses that do not require large capital and does not require much labor. With the high turnover of capital culinary business turnover is very fast.

But in addition to the rapid return of capital turnover, there are some important factors to consider in his business is so much in demand by customers.

The rise of business restaurant business nowadays seen as having resilience in the face of business competition business. Although a number of food from abroad Indonesia invaded the market, but it is believed will not be able to shift the local food businesses.

Before starting the restaurant business, we need to find information about business opportunities so that we know a lot more good chances, and perhaps failure's what customers demand from the restaurant business, such as the type of food and beverages will be served to customers.

From our monitoring over the Internet, the average culinary or restaurant business is still much sought after by investors or investors (private), this can be evidenced by a flood of offers of cooperation in this effort, both in scope as well as middle and upper middle.

Population and diversity of the population that influence the opportunities and business development as it will determine its success in marketing.

(Mrican Fried Chicken - MFC)

Friday, June 29, 2012

Peluang dan Tips Membuka Usaha Rumah Makan

Bisnis rumah makan merupakan peluang usaha yang sejak dulu sampai saat ini memang tidak pernah surut bahkan terus berkembang hingga saat sekarang.

Perkembangan usaha restoran / rumah makan berskala menengah dan besar tahun dari tahun 2007 sampai tahun 2010 terus mengalami perkembangan yang pesat, pada akhir tahun 2010 mencatat pertumbuhan sebesar 7,84%(data Kementerian Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif). Hal ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa peluang usaha membuka Rumah Makan masih terbuka lebar dan masih banyak diminati.

Usaha restoran merupakan usaha yang mempunyai stabilitas yang cukup stabil, karena memiliki peluang ke depan yang cukup bagus atau menjanjikan (prospektif), berbeda dengan usaha musiman seperti warnet atau wartel, karena makanan adalah kebutuhan primer setiap orang, apalagi tempat usaha yang strageris (misal : dekat kampus atau perkantoran)

Kunci utama untuk memulai bisnis rumah makan (restoran) adalah mempersiapkan kondisi mental dalam menghadapi tantangan akan kegagalan, hal ini dikarenakan menyangkut masalah operasional dari rencana usaha.

Persiapan-persiapan teknis lainya yang tidak kalah pentingnya adalah menyangkut seluk beluk pekerjaan perlu disiapkan rapi, kemampuan diri dan keterampilan yang dimiliki karena untuk usaha rumah makan minimal harus mengerti masakan. Tersedianya prasarana dan sarana, bukan berarti harus memiliki sendiri prasarana tersebut, tetapi bisa menyewa terlebih dahulu, kecuali memang tersedia dana yang cukup yang sengaja diinvestasikan ke usaha Anda untuk jangka panjang.

Prasarana pendukung dalam pengoperasian usaha ini berupa sarana-sarana atau alat-alat. Misalnya adalah tempat yang strategis, tenaga ahli (juru masak), modal usaha, dan izin usaha, sedangkan meja kursi, peralatan makan, peralatan masak, dan sebagainya adalah sarana.

Ada beberapa saran untuk memulai usaha rumah makan, diantaranya :

1. Tempat usaha yang strategis , misalnya di dekat kampus, perkantoran, mall, pasar dan letaknya jangan terlalu masuk kedalam (dipinggir jalan) sehingga banyak orang yang berlalu lalang bisa melihat dengan jelas usaha anda. Selain itu kalau memungkinkan sediakan tempat parkir yang cukup buat para pelanggan.

2. Lay-out dan interior rumah makan, dalam hal ini sesuai dengan keinginan anda, sebagai saran, untuk lay-out dan interiornya setidaknya mempunyai ciri khas tersendiri sehingga mudah untuk diingat pelanggan.

3. Rasa dan harga, rasa masakan sangat sensitif terhadap usaha rumah makan , oleh karena itu penting sekali mempunyai koki yang paham betul tentang masakan yang akan disajikan dalam restoran anda. Harga juga memegang peran penting disini, anda bisa memberikan tarif masakan yang bisa bersaing dengan restoran lainnya, apalagi dikombinasikan dengan cita rasa masakan anda yang nemuaskan pengunjung dengan harga yang bisa bersaing.

4. Nama Restoran, sebaiknya member nama restoran anda yang mudah di ingat, mudah dikenal dan terdengar akrab. Misalnya nama jalan atao kota dimana anda membuka restoran. Mohon diperhatikan untuk masalah nama restoran anda, sebaiknya jangan membuat nama restoran anda sama dengan nama restoran yang lainnya, karena nantinya akan menimbulkan masalah.

5. Perizinan (izin Usaha)

    Jadi apabila anda ingin membuka usaha, sebaiknya usaha membuka restoran makan layak untuk dipertimbangkan, melihat prospek dari usaha itu sendiri ke depan yang masih menjanjikan, tentunya dengan memperhatikan beberapa tips yang telah kami berikan diatas.

    Selamat Membuka Usaha, Semoga Sukses (Mrican Fried Chicken)

    Wednesday, June 27, 2012

    Obat Sakit Kepala


    Sakit kepala kadang timbul akibat kelelahan dan ketegangan otot. Tidur kadang dapat menjadi obat yang paling mujarab karena dalam kondisi inilah otot dapat beristirahat sepenuhnya.

    '- Lupakan beban dan tidurlah

    tuntutan hidup terkadang membuat kita tanpa sadar memberi beban yang berlebihan pada otak dan tubuh. Kelelahan fisik dan psikis adalah salah satu sebab utama sakit kepala dan migren.
    Jika demikian halnya, istirahat total bagi otak dan tubuh adalah jawabannya.
    Banyak orang mendapati sakit kepala mereka hilang hanya dengan membiarkan dirinya tertidur pulas. Yang menjadi permasalahan sekarang adalah bagaimana membuat diri kita tertidur saat kepala terasa berdenyut-denyut?

    Berikut adalah meditasi sebelum tidur yang akan membantu anda tidur lelap dalam kondisi sakit kepala.
    '- Meditasi sebelum tidur
    Berbaringlah terlentang dalam posisi senyaman mungkin.
    Usahakan mengenakan pakaian yang longgar dan menyerap keringat.
    Matikanlah lampu dan nyalakan musik untuk meditasi jika dirasa membantu.
    Pejamkan mata dan perlahan bayangkankan diri tengah memikul bawaan yang berat di pundak atau di kepala. Anda sudah melakukan perjalanan jauh dan rasanya sudah tak sanggup lagi meneruskan perjalanan. Disaat nyaris tak sadarkan diri karena lelah, anda rasakan kaki menginjak pasir lembut dan didepan terlihat pantai yang indah. Saat itu matahari mulai menyembul diufuk dan kehangatannya menyelimuti tubuh anda. Riak ombak yang hangat menyapu-nyapu kaki anda dan membuat anda mengantuk. Perlahan anda menutup mata dan seiring ombak perlahan menyeret beban kelautan, seiring itu pula anda terlelap dalam mimpi.

    Sumber buku :
    Rahasia alami mengobati sakit kepala
    By ; Raje Airey

    Tuesday, June 26, 2012

    Agar Perut Tidak Buncit (resep kuno)

    Kesehatan wanita itu sangat penting, supaya tetap vit, supaya anda (kaum wanita) tetap langsing dan mempesona. Apalagi yang baru melahirkan, yang perlu mendapat perhatian adalah bagian perut.
    Kalau tidak terawat dengan baik, perut akan mengendor penuh lipatan pada kulit perut. Jangan sampai perut anda jadi buncit.
    Perut kempis pada wanita adalah perut idaman, makanya anda harus hati-hati. proses pencegahan lebih diutamakan daripada anda melaku

    kan proses pengobatan.

    Disini ada resep tradisional, untuk mencegah agar perut anda tetap datar bagus, kempis dan ramping, tanpa lipatan kulit yang mengendur dan kencang seperti sediakala.

    Caranya sebagai berikut :
    - Ambil kapur sirih dan beri sedikit minyak kayu putih, kemudian beri air perasan jeruk nipis (jeruk pecel)
    - Aduk sampai rata, kemudian oleskan diseluruh perut dan pinggang sampai rata.
    - setelah kering baru diikat dengan stagen (ambet) diikat kencang
    - Agar cepat memperoleh hasil yang memuaskan, lakukanlah setiap pada dan sore selama 40 hari sehabis melahirkan.
    Ikutilah resep diatas agar tetap mempesona.

    Selamat mencoba.

    Buah Belimbing, untuk mengatasi tekanan darah tinggi

    Penderita tekanan darah tinggi biasanya disiksa oleh sering naiknya tekanan darah yang cukup tinggi, bahkan tidak jarang tinggi sekali. Hal ini tidak jarang membawa kelumpuhan atau juga kematian pada penderitanya.
    Karena itu agar tensi darah tetap tidak naik dan selalu dalam keadaan normal, setiap hari minumlah parutan belimbing.

    Buah belimbing yang cukup besar dan sudah setengah matang, diparut halus, kemudian diperas airnya sebanyak 1 gelas.
    Minumlah setiap pagi hari selama 1 bulan, lalu baru 2 hari 1 kali meminum air perasaan buah belimbing. Selama anda rajin minum

    air perasan belimbing tersebut, tensi darah anda tak akan naik dan normal.
    Tapi ingat, betapapun waktu hendak minum air perasan tadi, janganlah memakai garam sedikitpun.
    Jangan sekali-kali mencampurkan air perasan belimbing dengan gula pasir atau gula sirup. Hal ini tidak membawa faedah yang baik untuk tensi darah anda, bahkan sebaliknya.

    Cobalah anda mempergunakan buah belimbing untuk diparut dan ambil airnya, niscaya tensi darah anda tak akan berobah dari angka normal.
    Bagi mereka yang memiliki tekanan darah terlalu tinggi, pada bulan pertama meminum air perasaan buah belimbing, bisa mempergunakan 2 buah belimbing yang cukup besar, sehingga air perasannya lebih banyak dari yang telah dijelaskan diatas.
    Setelah 1 bulan, barulah porsi dikurangi setiap 2 hari sekali minum air perasan buah belimbing secara biasa.

    Obat darah tinggi (resep obat kuno)

    Tekanan darah tinggi adalah termasuk jenis penyakit yang berbahaya. Penderita bisa mati mendadak karenanya.
    Tanda-tanda penyakit ini adalah mudah tersinggung dan sering marah-marah.
    Untuk mengatasi hal ini cobalah resep dibawah ini :
    - Ambillah akar pohon pepaya yang tingginya 1 meter,
    - dicuci bersih dan direbus dengan air sebanyak 1 liter.
    - Biarkan sampai mendidih sehinga air tinggal 1/4 nya saja.

    - Air rebusan diminum hangat-hangat pagi dan sore hari.
    - Akar pohon ini bisa disrebus sebanyak 7 x berulang-ulang.
    - Lakukan setiap hari sampai penyakit anda hilang sama sekali.

    kumpulan animasi

    Download Animasi FLASH

    Written By Djuhernaidi Jacub on Rabu, 17 Maret 2010 | 11:24:00 PM

    Berikut ini beberapa ANIMASI FLASH FISIKA yang dapat di Download.
    2. Jangka Sorong (swf): DOWNLOAD DI SINI
    3. GLBB (swf) : DOWNLOAD DI SINI
    4. GMB (rar) : DOWNLOAD DI SINI
    5. Efek Doppler (swf): DOWNLOAD DI SINI
    8. Pemuaian (swf): DOWNLOAD DI SINI
    9. Radiasi Benda Hitam (swf): DOWNLOAD DI SINI
    10. Teropong (swf): DOWNLOAD DI SINI
    11. Keseimbangan Benda Tegar
    12. Teori Kinetik Gas
    13. Teori Atom Bohr
    14. Gaya
    15. Energi Mekanik
    16. Lensa
    17. Cacat Mata
    18. Generator AC
    19. Siklus Carnot
    Usaha dan Energi
    Animasi hukum kekekalan energi mekanik. Download
    Animasi ekipartisi energi. Download
    Animasi pemuaian. Download
    Animasi perpindahan kalor. Download
    Alat Optik
    Animasi lensa. Download
    Animasi teropong. Download
    Listrik Magnet
    Animasi alat ukur listrik. Download
    Animasi listrik statis. Download
    Animasi transistor. Download
    Animasi kapasitor. Download
    Animasi medan magnetik. Download
    Animasi rangkaian RLC. Download

    Fisika Modern
    Animasi teori atom Bohr. Download
    Animasi radiasi benda hitam. Download
    Animasi reaksi inti. Download
    Animasi radioaktif. Download

    Animasi yang disediakan ini berbentuk flash, jadi bagi kawan-kawan yang membutuhkan software flash player dapat di download disini.

    Monday, June 25, 2012

    Diet sehat golongan darah O

    Hubungan antara golongan darah dan diet merupakan gagasan baru bagi kebanyakan orang, namun mereka acapkali menemukan bahwa hal ini menjawab beberapa pertanyaan yang membingungkan mereka selama ini. Golongan darah sama mendasarnya dengan penciptaan itu sendiri. Menurut hukum alam, keempat golongan darah itu mengikuti jalur tak terputus sejak momen paling awal penciptaan manusia hingga hari ini. Golongan darah menjadi semacam "tanda tangan" dari nenek moyang kita diatas parkamen sejarah yang tak kunjung usang. Gen untuk golongan darah O berkembang pada suatu titik ketika peradaban manusia beralih dari hidup berburu dan berpindah-pindah ke komunitas agraris yang menetap disuatu tempat. Gen untuk golongan darah O memungkinkan nenek moyang kita bertahan hidup dan berkembang pesat dengan jenis makanan berbasis sayuran. Ajaibnya, pada abad ke 21 ini, sistem pencernaan orang bergolongan darah O measih mempertahankan kecenderungan makanan seperti pada zaman nenek moyang kita dulu.

    Golongan darah Anda adalah kunci bagi keseluruhan sistem kekebalan tubuh, dan hal ini adalah faktor penjelas yang esensial di dalam profil kesehatan Anda. Antigen golongan darah Anda  berfungsi sebagai penjaga gerbang, menciptakan antibodi untuk menangkal penyelundup yang berbahaya. Saat antibodi mengenali antigen dari mikroba penyerbu, terjadilah serangkaian reaksi yang disebut "aglutinasi" (secara harfiah berarti melekat) atau menggumpal. Antibodi akan menempel pada antigen dari virus/mikroba itu dan melekat begitu erat. Ketika sel-sel, virus, parasit dan bakteri menggumpal, proses penghilangannya pun menjadi lebih  mudah.

    Akan tetapi, ada banyak hal lain yang terlibat dalam proses terjadinya penggumpalan. Ilmuwan telah mempelajari bahwa ada banyak makanan yang berpotensi menggumpalkan sel-sel pada golongan darah tertentu. Artinya, suatu jenis makanan dapat berbahaya bagi sel-sel dari salah satu golongan darah, tetapi bermanfaat bagi sel-sel dari golongan darah yang lain.

    Serangkaian reaksi kimia terjadi antara darah Anda dengan makanan yang Anda konsumsi. Reaksi ini merupakan bagian dari warisan genetis Anda. kami mengetahuo hal ini karena adanya sebuah faktor yang disebut"lektin". Lektin, yaitu protein yang beraneka ragam dan banyak dijumpai didalam makanan, mempunyai faktor penggumpal yang akan mempengaruhi darah Anda. Lektin adalah cara yang ampuh bagi organisme di alam untuk menempelkan diri pada ornanisme yang lain. Seringkali, lektin yang digunakan oleh virus atau bakteri bersifat spesifik pada golongan darah tertentu. Dengan demikian, virus atau bakteri itu menjadi  hama yang cenderung "lebih lengket" pada seseorang bergolongan darah tersebut. Lebih lanjut, ketika anda mengonsumsi makanan yang mengandung lektin yang tidak sesuai dengan antigen dari golongan darah Anda, lektin tersebut akan menyasar organ atau sistem tubuh (ginjal, hati, otak, perut dan yang lainnya) dan memulai penggumpalan sel-sel darah di wilayah tersebut. Makanan untuk golongan darah O adalah cara alami untuk mengembalikan fungsi penjagaan dai sistem kekebalan tubuh Anda, membalikkan jam metabolisme Anda, dan membersihkan darah dari lektin yang berbahaya. Setiap orang akan menyadari beberapa manfaat dari diet ini, tergantung pada kondisi tubuh dan kelenturannya.

    Pedoman diet untuk orang bergolongan darah O :

    Golongan darah O berkembang baik dengan protein hewani. Keberhasilan diet golongan darah O bergantung pada konsumsi daging sapi, ayam, dan ikan yang bebas zat kimia serta segar. Pengaturan makanan untuk golongan darah O akan berjalan baik jika anda dapat mengikuti cetak biru pengaturan makanan yang telah diteliti dan disahkan secara ilmiah, logis, dan jelas berdasarkan profil sel anda. Makanan orang bergolongan darah O dibagi menjadi 14 kelompok makanan :
    1. Daging dan unggas
    2. Makanan hasil laut
    3. Telur dan produk susu
    4. Minyak dan lemak
    5. Kacang-kacangan dan biji-bijian
    6. Polong-polongan
    7. Serealia, roti dan pasta
    8. Sayur-sayuran
    9. Buah-buahan
    10.Jus dan sirop
    11 Bumbu-bumbuan
    12.penyedap rasa
    13.Tanaman obat dan teh herbal
    14. Berbagai minuman.

    Pada setiap kelompok, makanan ini dibagi menjadi 3 kategori : SANGAT BERMANFAAT, BERMANFAAT, NETRAL DAN HINDARI.
    Maksud pembagian ini adalah :
    1. SANGAT BERMANFAAT  adalah makanan yang beraksi seperti OBAT
    2. NETRAL adalah makanan yang beraksi seperti MAKANAN
    3. HINDARI adalah makanan yang beraksi seperti RACUN.
    Makanan untuk orang bergolongan darah O beraneka ragam karena itu Anda tidak perlu khawatir akan adanya pembatasan makanan. ketika itu mungkin, anda dapat mngonsumsi makanan berkategori Sangat bermanfaat lebih banyak daripada yang netral. Juga tidak ada salahnya jika anda menikmati makanan netral yang cocok untuk anda karena makanan itu tidak merugikan anda dan justru mengandung nutrisi yang bermanfaat bagi makanan berimbang anda. Dibagian atas setiap kategori, anda akan melihat bagan seperti berikut (perhatikan bahwa frekuensinya kadangkala mingguan, kadang kala harian) :
     Saran-saran mengenai porsi yang sudah turun temurun ini tidak dimaksudkan sebagai aturan baku. Tujuannya disini adalah menunjukkan cara untuk menyesuaikan diet anda dengan cara yang sudah dikenal oleh nenek moyang kita. Orang-orang dari berbagai berbagai ras dan kebudayaan dapat memiliki golongan darah yang sama, namun frekuensi gennya tidak selalu sama. Sebagai contoh, orang bergolongan darah O mempunyai gen AA, yang berarti kedua orangtua mewariskan gen A, atau AO, yang berarti hanya salah satu orang tua yang mewariskan gen A. Orang keturunan Afrika cenderung mewariskan gen O daripada orang Kaukasia atau Asia. Terdapat pula variasi geografis dan budaya seperti halnya perbedaan yang biasa terjadi dalam ukuran dan berat orang. Gunakan segala anjuran berikut bila dipandang perlu dan abaikan jika itu tidak sesuai dengan anda. Pada setiap bagian cobalah merumuskan rencana makan yang sesuai dengan porsi anda.

    Berikut jenis-jenis makanan berdasarkan manfaatya :

    1. Daging sapi
    2. Daging kerbau
    3. Hati
    4. Daging rusa
    5. Ikan ekor kuning
    5. Ikan todak
    6. Ikan cod
    7. Ikan halibut
    8.Minyak zaitun
    9. Minyak biji rami
    10 Biji kenari, biji labu, biji rami
    11 Kacang polong hitam, kacang adzuki
    12. roti essene (roti manna)
    13. Bawang bombay, brokoli, bayam, daun peterselli, ubi, lobak china, waluh,
    14. Bluberi, jus nanas, ceri, jambu biji, mangga, pisang, plum
    15. Bumbu kari, cabai, alga merah, kunir, lobak, jahe, pepermint, sarsaparila

    NETRAL :
    1; Daging ayam, daging bebek, daging kambing, daging kuda, daging angsa, daging kelinci, daging kalkun
    2. Ikan mas, remis, tiram, kepiting, belut, lobster, tuna, salem, ikan sardin, udang,
    3. Mentega, telur ayam, telur bebek, keju mozarella, keju feta
    4. Biji buah almon, kacang pecan, biji wijen, biji pinus,
    5. Sereal, kue beras, roti beras, susu beras, roti dan tepung kedelai, tapioka, roti tanpa gluten
    6. Asparagus, bawang merah, bawang putih. rebung, sawi, cabai, ercis, terung, jamur, wortel, labu (semua jenis kecuali waluh), selada
    7. anggur, apel, aprikoat, belimbing, buah sukun, cuka apel, delima, jeruk keprok, jeruk limau, jeruk sitrun, kesemek, kismis, kurma, pepaya, pir, sagu, semangka. stroberi, nanas, melon
    8. Agar-agar, asam jawa, dcengkih, coklat, cuka, daun salam, daun ketumbar, garam laut, gula jawa, jintan, kapulaga, kayu manis, kecap, ketumbar,kunyit, lada,minyak wijen

    1.Daging asap, daging ham, daging babi, daging burung puyuh, daging penyu
    2. Cumi-cumi, kodong, keong, gurita, ikan hering
    3. Susu sapi, keju cheddar, keju krim, keju edam, telur angsa, telur puyuh, es krim, yoghurt,
    4. Minyak kelapa, minyak jagung, minyak biji kapas, kacang tanah, minyak kedelai, minyak bunga matahari, minyak biji gandum
    5. Kacang tanah, kacang mete, biji bunga matahari, kacang brasil,
    6. Kue muffin inggris, sereal cornflakes, atepung gluten, berondong jagung, pasta bayam, produk tepung gluten, produk gandum utuh, produk tepung putih
    7. Avokad, bawang perai, jagung, jamur, kecambah, kembang kol, kentang, lidah buaya, mentimun, zaitun
    8. Blewah, jeruk mandarin, kiwi, pare, pir asia, pisang raja, melon madu
    9. Biji pala, bunga pala, fruktosa, dekstrosa, MSG, pati jagung, sirop jagung, lada hitam/putaih, ganggang laut
    10. Saus salad/mayonnaise, saus tomat, acar/asinan
    11.lidah buaya,kopi, soda

    Supplemen :
    '- bermanfaat : Vitamin B, Vitamin K,Kalsium, Yodium
    '- hindari        : Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Licorice,

    Golongan darah O Porsi Frekuensi mingguan bila anda keturunan …..
    Afrika Kaukasia Asia
    Semua makanan hasil laut 4-6  ounce 2-4 x 3-5 x 2-5 x
    Daging merah tanpa lemak 4-6 ounce pria 5-7 x 4-6 x 3-5 x
    Unggas 2-5 ounce wanita dan anak2 1-2 x 2-3 x 3-4 x
    Telur 1 telur 1-4 x 3-6 x 3-4 x
    Keju 2  ounce 0-1 x 0-1 x 0-1 x
    Yoghurt 4-6 ounce 0-1 x 0-2 x 0-1 x
    Susu 4-6 ounce 0 x 0-1 x 0-1 x
    Minyak dan lemak 1 sendok makan 3-8 x 4-8 x 5-8 x
    Kacang-kacangan dan biji2an 1-2 genggam 2-5 x 2-5 x 2-4 x
    Mentega kacang 1-2 sendok the
    Polong-polongan 1 cangkir kering 1-3 x 1-3 x 2-4 x
    Serelia, roti dan pasta 1/2 cangkir serelia kering/pasta 1-6 x 1-6 x 1-6 x
    1 muffin
    2 lembar roti
    - dimasak 1 cangkir 3-5 x 3-5 x 3-5 x
    - mentah 1 cangkir 3-5 x 3-5 x 3-5 x
    Buah-buahan 1 cangkir/1 buah 2-4 x 3-5 x 3-5 x
    Jus yang dianjurkan 8 ounce 2-3 x 2-3 x 2-3 x
    Air 8 ounce 4-7 x 4-7 x 4-7 x

    Sumber Buku :
    Diet sehat golongan darah O
    By : Dr. Peter J. D'Adamo


    Saturday, June 16, 2012

    Clutches, Transmission, Automatic Transmission, Rear-wheel Drive, Front-wheel Drive, Steering, Chassis, Damping, Suspension

    HAKO 1211

    Order No. 1211
    Clutch functional model

    A diaphragm spring clutch is mounted so that it can be turned on a stable tubular steel frame. When engaged, power is able
    to flow between the disk flywheel and the clutch lining. By pressing the lever it can be seen how the release bearing tilts the outer edge
    of the diaphragm spring around the tilted rings, thus releasing the clutch disk. The power flow is interrupted.
    HAKO 1265

    Order No. 1265
    Cutaway model: Clutch with adjustment for wear

    As a result of the wear and tear on the driving disk, the position of the  diaphragm spring alters, which means that the pressure from the diaphragm spring on the ramp shaped setting rings drops.
    The locking bolt has the effect that the setting rings turn as a result of the tension of the springs.
    In this way, the clearance between the diaphragm spring and the pressure plate is compensated.

    HAKO 1266

    Order No. 1266
    Cutaway model: Multi-disk clutch

    Design of a multi-disk clutch (without disengaging gear). This clutch has a number of internal and external disks in its basket, which means that a large torque can be transmitted despite a small diameter.
    The pressing force of the disks results from a number of helical springs.
    HAKO 1139

    Order No. 1139
    Viscous clutch

    - all externally toothed discs are fixed to the housing
    - all internally toothed discs are fixed to the driving shaft
    - power transmission is attained via the shearing effect of the silicone
    fluid between the slots and the holes in the discs
    (in the cutaway model there is no silicone fluid) 
    HAKO 1160

    Order No. 1160
    Hydraulic coupling

    Also called fluid clutch
    - function of the pump wheel
    - function of the turbine wheel
    - mounting of the turbine wheel
    HAKO 1155

    Order No. 1155
    Multi-disk clutch for mopeds

    Interaction of piston, connecting rod,
    crankshaft and clutch.
    No power flow at low revs.
    Power flow at high revs by means of flyweights.
    Power flow on pressing the starting lever. 
    HAKO 1157

    Order No. 1157
    LUK dual-mass flywheel

    Structure of a dual-mass flywheel:
    - function of the pressure springs when subject to torsional vibrations
    - function of the torsional-vibration damper between primary and
    secondary flyweights; the primary flyweight on the model can be turned against
    the force of the springs

    HAKO 1293

    Order No. 1293
    Planetary dual-mass flywheel

    - Rotation of the secondary fly wheel mass against the primary flywheel
    - Pressing the springs together in their guide shoes to absorb vibrations by ignition induced rotary  unevenness of the motor
    - Acceleration of the planetary wheels, which attenuate the vibrations of the springs thanks to their friction
    HAKO 1226

    Order No. 1226
    Clutch model case

    - hydraulic clutch control mechanism
    - a pressure plate with coil springs and release levers
    - a complete diaphragm spring clutch with flywheel
    - two flexible clutch disks with torsional-vibration damping linings:
    synthetic fibres and sintered metal
    - a clutch disk prepared for the demonstration of the torsional-vibration
    damping; clutch release bearing and release lever
    HAKO 1166

    Order No. 1166
    Clutch master cylinder and slave cylinder

    Function and interaction of the master cylinder and slave cylinder of a hydraulically-operated clutch.
    - function of the bleeding of the unit 
    HAKO 1002

    Order No. 1002
    Four-speed transmission with locking synchronization

    - the transmission is cut wide open at the front and back
    - all gears can be shifted
    HAKO 1002
    HAKO 1089

    Order No. 1089
    Five-speed transmission with differential

    Demonstration: - shifting all gears
    - Synchromesh
    - Function of differential
    HAKO 1089
    HAKO 1132

    Order No. 1132
    Four-speed-transmission (VW Golf)

    - shifting of all gears
    - synchromesh
    - function of differential gear front and rear parts widely cut open
    HAKO 1132
    HAKO 1054

    Order No. 1054
    Four-speed transmission with differential

    Possible demonstrations:
    - shifting all gears
    - function of a differential gear
    - synchronization

    HAKO 1121

    Order No. 1121
    Transfer case

    - power flow and power distribution in the transfer case
    - shifting of the off-road gear and road gear
    - function of the differential in the transfer case
    - differential lockup
    HAKO 1133

    Order No. 1133
    Five-speed front transmission (VW Golf)

    - layout of the entire transmission
    front, upper part and rear widely cut open
    - smooth shifting of all gears
    HAKO 1133

    - function of the spur-gear differential
    - function of the synchromesh
    HAKO 1199

    Order No. 1199
    Modern five-speed front transmission with differential

    (Daimler Benz A Class)
    Flow of power from the drive shaft to the output shaft and differential.
    Very smooth shifting of all gears.
    HAKO 1199

    Locking device to prevent the selection of reverse gear from fifth gear.
    Control of the hydraulic clutch mechanism.
    HAKO 1055

    Order No. 1055
    Four-speed transmission, suited for the technology lab.

    - shifting all gears
    - synchronization
    HAKO 1055

    - measuring the torque in all the gears
    - measuring and calculation of the gear-ratios
    in all gears using a graded scale
    HAKO 1285

    Order No. 1285
    Clutch actuator

    An electric motor drives a segment of a worm wheel via a worm. The worm wheel presses the release pin forwards,
    thus separating the flow of power in the clutch. The large tensioning forces to separate the clutch are taken over by a fine
    spring, which means that the electric motor only supplies the torque to overcome the friction.
    A button can be used to turn the electric motor and to demonstrate the release process.
    The installed pane of plexiglas means that everything can be seen easily.

    HAKO 1255

    HAKO 1255

    Order No. 1255
    Cutaway model: Daimler Benz 6-gear transmission

    This new construction is an equal-axle three-shaft transmission with 6 forward and one synchronised reverse gear. The shift elements are distributed on 2 shafts. Operation of the clutch is done automatically via central disengaging gear. The transmission can easily be turned neutral. All the gears can be shifted and the flow of force shown. 

    HAKO 1282
    HAKO 1282

    Order No. 1282
    Automatic sequential six-gear transmission (DB)

    The automated, sequential six-gear transmission developed from the classical six-gear manual transmission is controlled by the engine management. With the help of a hydraulic piston, 2 gears can be shifted on each shift level. To change to another shift level, a gate sleeve, which had been able to rotate loosely up to then, is arrested by a second hydraulic piston. In this way, the old gear is firstly removed and then the selector shaft turned onto a different shift level by a pin in the arrested gate sleeve when the inlet selector shaft is displaced by the first hydraulic piston. Now, shifting into the next gear is possible. The installation of a gearshift rod with a button and a mechanical clamping lever means that all the gears can be shifted and the function of the hydraulic controls demonstrated.
    The following are cut away: transmission housing front and back, hydraulic pump with electric engine, hydraulic unit and the hydraulic pressure accumulator.

    HAKO 1238

    Order No. 1238
    SMART gearbox

    The new construction from the firm of GRETAG is a mechanical shift gear with 6 forward and one reverse gear. The shifting of the gearbox is done by an electric motor via a gear wheel transmission onto a gear selector drum. The slide shoes of the gearshift rods engage into the groove tracks of the gear selector drum. For the differential, 2 differing transmission ratios can be shifted, which means that 6 forward gears result from the 3 forward gears of the main shaft. In shifting, an automatic clutch actuator takes over the clutch engagement and de-clutching. The gearbox is supplied as a semi-automatic or fully automatic gearbox. All the gears can be shifted by turning the electric motor. The function of the differential is also easily visible.

    HAKO 1169

    Order No. 1169
    Transmission technology

    Function of the drive shaft, main shaft,
    countershaft and the reverse gear.
    interaction of the individual shafts.
    HAKO 1169

    Shifting of all gears, power distribution.
    Calculation of the different transmission ratios.
    HAKO 1248

    Order No. 1248
    Transmission technique: 5-gear transmission

    Function of the drive shaft, main shaft
    countershaft and the reverse gear wheel
    set-up of a 5-gear transmission
    pushing together of the individual shafts.
    HAKO 1248

    Switching of all the gears.
    Calculating of the gear ratios in all gears.
    Extensive operating instructions with worksheets for pupils and teachers.
    HAKO 1273

    Order No. 1273
    Functional model: Transmission technology, five-gear front transmission

    Design of a two-shaft transmission for vehicles with front-wheel drive. Pushing together of the transmission shafts. Shifting of all gears, observation of flow of force in the individual gears. Reading and calculation of the various transmissions.

    HAKO 1278

    Order No. 1278
    Transmission technique: six-gear transmission

    - Set-up of a equal-axle three-shaft transmission
    - Pushing together and separation of the shafts
    - Insertion of the reverse pinion
    - Shifting the 6 forward gears and the reverse gear
    - Reading and calculation of the various ratios

    HAKO 1212

    Order No. 1212
    Five-speed transmission assembly model

    This assembly model is well-suited to pupils own use.
    Without a puller and press the transmission can be taken apart and
    reassembled. The following can be learnt from it:
    Various synchromesh mechanisms, shifting locks and shifting catches.
    HAKO 1212

    the shifting of all gears including reverse gear, the function of the gearshift
    rods and the gearshift forks. 
    HAKO 1101

    Order No. 1101
    Assembly of a Borg-Warner synchromesh

    Main shaft stub, mounted on stands, for dismantling and assembly of
    two gears, including tool. A synchronising unit was prepared so that it
    can be assembled without puller and press. Particularly suitable for
    producing a work schedule.
    HAKO 1101

    The gears can be shifted easily.
    HAKO 1102

    Order No. 1102
    Assembly of a Porsche synchromesh

    Main shaft stub, mounted on stands, for dismantling and assembly of
    two gears, including tool. A synchronising unit was prepared so that it
    can be assembled without puller and press. Particularly suitable for
    producing a work schedule.
    HAKO 1102

    The gears can be shifted easily.
    HAKO 1100

    Order No. 1100
    Assembly of a complete main shaft

    A complete main shaft with drive shaft has been prepared so that it can
    be dismantled and assembled without press and puller.
    HAKO 1100

    The tool is supplied. The correct assembly can be checked with the aid
    of the countershaft. The gears can be shifted easily.
    HAKO 1147

    Order No. 1147
    Students assembly set, main shafts

    includes the following:
    5 main shafts - different makes (Daimler Benz, Opel, Ford, VW). Functions as described above.
    HAKO 1148

    Order No. 1148
    Students assembly set, Borg Warner synchromesh

    includes the following:
    5 different main shaft stubs, i.e. main transmission shafts of vehicles with front wheel drive.
    (Opel, VW, Ford) Functions as described above.
    HAKO 1218

    Order No. 1218
    Variable- speed transmission model case

    Four-speed transmission with drive shaft, main shaft and
    countershaft for rear-wheel drive (equal-axle transmission)
    All components are clearly visible and arranged in the correct order:
    shafts, gear wheels, synchronizer body, sliding sleeves, synchronizer
    rings, sliding blocks, springs and bearings. Everything has been
    prepared so that the shafts can easily be put together.
    HAKO 1219

    Order No. 1219
    Variable- speed transmission model case II

    Four-speed transmission with drive shaft and
    output shaft for front-wheel drive (unequal-axle transmission)
    All components are clearly visible and arranged in the correct order:
    shafts, gear wheels, synchronizer body, sliding sleeves, synchronizer
    rings, sliding blocks, springs and bearings. Everything has been
    prepared so that the shafts can easily be put together. 
    HAKO 1220

    Order No. 1220
    Variable- speed transmission model case III

    Four-speed transmission with drive shaft and
    output shaft for front-wheel drive (unequal-axle transmission)
    All components are clearly visible and arranged in the correct order:
    shafts, gear wheels, synchronizer body, sliding sleeves, synchronizer
    rings, sliding blocks, springs and bearings. Everything has been
    prepared so that the shafts can easily be put together.
    HAKO 1090

    HAKO 1090

    Order No. 1090
    Five-speed automatic transmission, electronically controlled,
    with torque converter and torque converter lock-up clutch (ZF)

    Parts cut in this model:
    - front and rear housing
    - torque converter with lock-up clutch
    - all couplings
    - internally-geared wheels for planetary gear sets
    - crescent-type pump and brake band
    - shift valve housing with all valves and pistons
    - actuating piston for brake band

    HAKO 1217

    Order No. 1127
    Electronically controlled five-speed transmission (Daimler Benz)

    A newly developed automatic transmission form Daimler Benz.
    Parts cut in this model:
    housing, converter, converter lock-up clutch, oil pump, all clutches, all 3 planetary gear trains, hydraulic unit.
    The model allows for demonstration of the following:
    - function of the converter - function of the converter lock-up clutch
    - function of the freewheels - function of the oil pump
    - function of the parking interlock - function of the clutches and planetary gear trains
    - function of the solenoid valves and hydraulic unit - switching of the main control piston via the selector lever

    HAKO 1283

    Order No. 1283
    Six-gear automatic transmission and converter with shorting (ZF)

    A transmission with superlatives, a latest-generation transmission.
    The housing has been cut away to a large extent. In addition, all the clutches with hydraulic pistons, the planetary gear trains, the crescent pump, the converter with shorting and the hydraulic control device with the solenoid valves.
    The transmission can be cranked easily.

    HAKO 1283
    HAKO 1260

    Order No. 1260
    Cutaway model: Five-gear front automatic transmission

    DB A Class without torque converter
    The transmissions in the individual gear steps are not implemented with planetary gear trains, but with spur gears. The shifting processes are initiated electronically, with the gears being shifted by hydraulic clutches via the electro-hydraulic control unit.
    A very extensive description of the function is supplied.
    HAKO 1261

    Order No. 1261
    Cutaway model: Five-gear front automatic transmission

    DB A Class with torque converter
    The transmissions in the individual gear steps are not implemented with planetary gear trains, but with spur gears. The shifting processes are initiated electronically, with the gears being shifted by hydraulic clutches via the electro-hydraulic control unit.
    In the cutaway torque converter, one sees the pump and turbine wheel, the freewheel and the converter lockup clutch.
    A very extensive description of the function is supplied.
    HAKO 1223

    HAKO 1223

    Order No. 1223
    Five-speed automatic transmission for front- wheel drive (ZF)
    electronically controlled

    This transmission designed for high performance has the following parts cut away:
    Torque converter with lock-up clutch, all hydraulic couplings, planetary gear trains, transmission wheels and intermediate gear
    drive shaft with pinion, differential and hydraulic control. The transmission can easily be turned.
    HAKO 1222

    Order No. 1222
    Four-speed automatic transmission for front- wheel drive (ZF)
    electronically controlled

    The cut away parts are:
    Torque converter with lock-up clutch, all hydraulic couplings, planetary gear trains,differential and hydraulic control. The transmission can easily be turned.

    HAKO 1198

    HAKO 1198

    Order No. 1198
    CVT automatic transmission with
    sliding articulated band

    The complete power flow within the CVT automatic transmission
    can be observed:
    Input shaft, planetary gear with hydraulic clutch mechanism, primary and
    secondary conical disk with hydraulic piston, idler gear and differential.
    Speed change by movement of the conical disks.
    Hydraulic control of the CVT automatic transmission.
    HAKO 1158

    Order No. 1158
    Torque Converter

    - function of the input and output rotors
    - function of the stator with functioning free wheel
    HAKO 1159

    Order No. 1159
    Torque Converter with lock-up clutch

    - function of the input and output rotors
    - function of the stator with functioning free wheel
    - function of the lockup clutch by a disk system and a hydraulic piston
    HAKO 1193

    Order No. 1193
    Torque Converter with lock-up clutch (ZF)

    - function of the impeller and turbine
    - function of the stator with functioning free wheeling
    - function of the lockup clutch, consisting of a steel clutch disc with
    friction lining, which is hydraulically pressed on the impeller
    HAKO 1164

    Order No. 1164
    Simple planetary gear train

    Function of a simple planetary gear train with ring gear,
    sun wheel, planet carrier with planetary wheels.
    HAKO 1163

    Order No. 1163
    Planetary gear train - Simpson gear set

    interaction of the components of the planetary gear train.
    - function of the two simple planetary gear trains with coupled sun wheels
    HAKO 1162

    Order No. 1162
    Planetary gear train - Ravigneaux gear set

    Interaction of the components of the planetary gear train.
    Ring gear, 2 sun wheels and planet carrier with 3 narrow and 3 wide
    planetary wheels are easily recognised through the Plexiglas screen.
    HAKO 1161

    Order No. 1161
    Automatic transmission components model case

    Contains the most important automatic transmission components
    (some parts cut open). Hydraulic control with shift valve,
    centrifugal governor, freewheel, internal gear pump,
    complete planetary gear train (easily dismantled), brake band
    2 hydraulic couplings, park position with ratchet, disk set.
    HAKO 1156

    Order No. 1156
    Planetary gear train assembly set

    -Dismantling of the planetary gear train
    - Assembly of the Planetary gear train
    - Assembly diagram supplied
    - Shifting of the different gears
    - Calculation of the transmission ratios
    HAKO 1294

    Order No. 1294
    Electronically controlled shift-valve body of an automatic transmission

    This model gives an insight into the complicated interior of a modern shift valve body. In the cutaway housing, one sees the control plunger and control springs. An electro-solenoid valve has also bee cutaway so that its interior can be studied.

    HAKO 1049

    Order No. 1049
    Differential gear with hypoid gearing

    Possible demonstrations:
    - function of the final drive (bevel pinion and crown wheel)
    - function of the differential bevel gears when driving in a straight line
    and when cornering
    - functions of the differential bevel gears when one wheel spins while
    the other stands still
    HAKO 1092

    Order No. 1092
    Differential with lock (ASR, ASD)

    - function of axle drive (pinion, crown wheel)
    - function of differential spider gears
    - locking by hydraulic piston and multiple-disk
    HAKO 1201

    Order No. 1201
    Rear-wheel drive with disk locking system

    - function of the axle drive (bevel gear - differential ring gear)
    - function of the differential when cornering
    - function of the locking mechanism in the case of wheel spin
    - function of the thrust rings and friction disks
    HAKO 1046

    Order No. 1046
    Limited-slip differential with multi-disk clutches (ZF)

    Possible demonstrations:
    - different speeds of axle shafts when cornering
    - function of the friction plates
    - function of the thrust rings
    - locking
    HAKO 1129

    Order No. 1129
    Differential with mechanical lock

    - function of the wheel-drive assembly (bevel gear, differential ring gear)
    - function of the differential gear
    - compensation of differential travels without locking
    - differential lock by shifting a claw-coupling over the locking lever

    HAKO 1136

    Order No. 1136
    Model case, differential

    All components of the differential are closely visible, they are mounted on
    a board and are easy to remove.
    HAKO 1043

    Order No. 1043
    TORSEN differential gear

    Possible demonstrations:
    - function of the worm gears and spur gears
    - different speeds of axle shafts when cornering
    - locking
    HAKO 1272

    Order No. 1272
    Cutaway model: Torsen intermediate axle differential

    Intermediate axle differentials are fitted in vehicles with four-wheel drive. They permit a balance between the front and the rear axle and automatically block if the wheels of one axle spin. They can be installed directly on the transmission outlet for the rear axle.

    HAKO 1286 

    Order No. 1286
    Measurement device to measure the locking figure of differentials

    The differential used is a Torsen centre differential from an Audi Quattro. Drive shafts have been installed in both outlets of the differential and provided with lever arms at their ends. The levers are held by an infinitely adjustable balance. If the differential housing is turned with the help of a rotary lever, the levers of the axle shafts contact the lever arms of the balance. Depending on the setting of the lever arms on the balance, the differential blocks until the balance has been adjusted in such a way that the differential slips lever arms. The locking figure of the differential can be determined immediately by reading off the lever arms (law of levers!).

    HAKO 1146

    Order No. 1146
    Students assembly set, differential

    includes the following:
    - 2 differential gears with ring gear
    - 3 differential gears with spur pinion
    - Extremely easy to put together and take apart (no pushing or pulling)
    HAKO 1105

    Order No. 1105
    Assembly of differential gear with crown wheel

    The housing has been prepared so that simple assembly and dismantling
    is assured.
    HAKO 1105
    HAKO 1106

    Order No. 1106
    Assembly of differential with spur gear

    The housing has been prepared so that simple assembly and dismantling
    is assured.
    HAKO 1106
    HAKO 1241

    Order No. 1241
    Haldex Clutch

    - Parts cut in this model: solenoid switch, housing and windings
    - armature can be rotated and solenoids switch actuated
    - engaging the starter pinion can be demonstrated
    HAKO 1241
        HAKO 1241

    HAKO 1052

    Order No. 1052
    Ball-and-nut power steering

    All demonstrations same as Order No.1050
    - displacement of the valve pistons
    - function of working piston
    HAKO 1052
    HAKO 1050

    Order No. 1050
    Recirculating-ball steering
    (ball-and-nut steering gear)

    Possible demonstrations:
    - steering gear in motion - transmission ratio of gear set
    - self locking
    - the balls roll in opened guide tubes
    - rolling instead of sliding friction
    - calculation of transmission ratio and pivoting of the pitman arm
    HAKO 1120

    Order No. 1120
    Finger steering

    - turning of the steering spindle
    - Stroke of the finger in the screw
    - torsion of the steering column stalk
    - play adjustment
    HAKO 1051

    Order No. 1051
    Worm and roller steering gear

    possible demonstrations:
    - steering gear in motion
    - transmission ratio of the gear set
    - interaction of roller and worm
    - rolling instead of sliding friction
    - calculation of transmission ratio and pivoting of pitman arm
    HAKO 1098

    Order No. 1098
    Steering gear test

    4 similar or different steering gears prepared for dismantling
    and assembly
    Board-mounted tuition unit
    HAKO 1142

    Order No. 1142
    Variable rack-and-pinion steering

    - movement sequence in steering gear
    - variable transmission ratio via different types of toothing
    in the gear rack
    - function of the thrust piece with spring:
    The gear rack is pressed against the pinion thus compensating
    play and different tooth width.
    HAKO 1053

    Order No. 1053
    Rack and pinion steering gear

    Possible demonstrations:
    - Movement cycle of steering gear
    - steering gear ratio
    - function of thrust block with cup springs: The rack constantly
    pressed against the pinion, Therefore no backlash

    HAKO 1228

    Order No. 1228
    Rack-and-pinion power steering II

    Sequence of movement in the steering gear. Transmission ratio in the
    steering system. Function of the thrust piece and the working piston.
    Change-over of the working piston by means of valve piston
    and internal ducts. Lateral drive of the steering tie rods on one side
    of the steering rack.
    HAKO 1229

    Order No. 1229
    Rack-and-pinion power steering III

    Sequence of movement in the steering gear. Transmission ratio in the
    steering system. Function of the thrust piece and the working piston.
    Change-over of the working piston by means of rotary-disk valve. Lateral drive of the steering tie rods on both sides
    of the steering rack by means of ball knobs.
    HAKO 1202

    Order No. 1202
    Complete suspension strut with wishbone, drive shaft, disk brake with brake disk

    - Function of the suspension strut with spring and cutaway shock absorber
    - Function of the disk brake with cutaway brake caliper
    - Function of the wishbone and the drive shaft with cutaway ball-and-socket joint
    HAKO 1246

    Order No. 1246
    Spring leg (air suspension)

    In the Daimler Benz S class, 4 spring legs are used on the front and rear axle as function elements of the Airmatic. They are connected with one another via a data bus. The following can be clearly seen on the model: Air suspension with inlet valve for level control and lowering of the chassis, damper with bottom valve and gas area, solenoid valves for the regulation of the damping strength.
    HAKO 1275

    Order No. 1275
    Cutaway model: ABC (active body control) suspension strut

    Active suspension and attenuation system with hydraulic cylinder, helical spring and attenuator. Behind the cutaway spring, the hydraulic cylinder (plunger) for level regulation, the attenuator and, in the hollow piston rod, the suspension strut control device are easily visible.
    Functions in the vehicle:
    The level regulation enables manual and speed-dependent automatic lowering and raising of the level of the vehicle.
    In bends and on uneven roads as well as in braking and accelerating, rolling and pitching motions are practically completely suppressed.

    HAKO 1270

    Order No. 1270
    Functional model: Wheel camber

    A wheel at an angle no longer moves on a straight line, but on a circular track. If the wheels are pushed forwards, the wheels make efforts to move apart at the front as a result of the rolling taper.
    HAKO 1270

    Thanks to a precisely coordinated selection of the track, the wheel moves straight ahead and the wheel flutter is prevented.
    HAKO 1225

    Order No. 1225
    Porsche Weissach axle (928)

    This axle comes complete with:
    Axle bracket, double wishbone, axle shafts, internally-ventilated brake disks, four-piston disk brakes, springs and shock absorbers.
    The compression of the axle can be clearly demonstrated. On request the axle can be supplied with a cutaway
    Original Porsche five-speed transmission.
    HAKO 1224

    Order No. 1224
    Daimler Benz multi-link suspension

    The construction of the axle with its 5 links is easily distinguished by the use of colour markings. The axle is complete with brake calipers, brake
    disks, axle shafts, springs and shock absorbers. The compression can be clearly demonstrated. The differential and one brake drum
    for the parking brake are cut away.
    HAKO 1224

    HAKO 1224

    Order No. 1234
    Twin-tube shock absorber

    The shock absorber is cut away to such an extent that the inside and
    outside of the tube with bottom valve and piston can clearly be seen.
    The piston and the bottom valve are also cut away, so that the valves can clearly be seen. The piston rods can easily be moved in and out.
    HAKO 1235

    Order No. 1235
    Single-tube gas-pressure shock absorber

    The shock absorber is cut away to such an extent that the separating
    piston and the working piston can clearly be seen inside the tube.
    The working piston is also cut away, so that the valves can clearly be
    seen. The piston rod can easily be moved in and out.
    HAKO 1213

    Order No. 1213
    Axle shaft model case including joints

    cutaway ball-and-socket joint with wide angle of movement.
    cutaway tripod joint with length compensation.
    Cardan shaft with 2 universal joints and cutaway sliding section which is easily moved.
    Universal joint with polygonal rubber joint.
    Hardy disk (disk-type flexible coupling).

    HAKO 1262

    Order No. 1262
    Cutaway model: Ball and socket joint

    Design of a ball and socket joint (constant-velocity or homo kinetic joint)
    Function of the balls and the ball cage. The axle journal can be pivoted, but only be moved up and down minimally.
    HAKO 1263

    Order No. 1263
    Cutaway model: Tropoid joint

    Design of a tropoid joint with tropoid star with pinions and idlers.
    Tropoid joints permit diffraction angles of up to 20 degrees and 30mm axial displacement. This can be demonstrated very clearly on the model.
    HAKO 1011

    Order No. 1011
    Balancing model for wheels

    - the wheel axle, which hangs on two chains, is pulled down by springs
    - demonstration of a static unbalance: wheel hops. This can be adjusted by putting on a counterweight
    - demonstration of dynamic unbalance: Wheel flutters. This can be adjusted by changing weights to the correct side